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Strategic Investing

A Service of Adrich Corporation

Strategic Investing focuses on stocks with increasing revenues and profits.

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Strategic Investing costs are listed below, plus 8.25% sales tax for Texas residents and the cost of shipping and handling of the Strategic Investing manual "Using Technology to Find Winning Stocks".

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Your Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or American Express credit card will be billed when you register. However, if you decide not to continue the service prior to the termination of the two week free trial, just send an e-mail to and we will credit your credit card for the amount charged.

The Strategic Investing service is not rebilled automatically.  You will be notified prior to the expiration of your subscription by e-mail to renew.   If you renew within 15 days after your expiration date, you can renew at the renewal subscriber price.  If you do not renew by that date, you must resubscribe at the New Subscriber price then in effect.

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Note to Trial and Temporary Group users:

If you had access prior to subscribing through a temporary group account (e.g., AAII), please select a new USERNAME and PASSWORD that is unique to you.

When changes are made to the subscription website, we notify all subscribers by e-mail individually (except those that have obtained access through a temporary group account).

Also, subscribers have the option to opt-out of receiving these individual e-mail notifications of updates by clicking on "Change Subscription Preferences" at the bottom of any email from us.

All rights reserved © 2001 - 2022 Adrich Corporation

Last updated - January 14, 2014


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